Everyone’s a little bit Irish on St. Patrick’s Day….. & so NYLI would like to share some resources to help you celebrate the day in a scholarly way…..

And, you may ask, who is that bust featured in green hat & scarf at the top of this blog? It’s no other than NYLI luminary and 19th Century’s greatest criminal lawyer James T. Brady ! Former NYLI President James T. Brady had celebrity clients, set a historical legal precedent, and was one of the most successful criminal defense attorneys of his era.

So this St. Patrick’s Day, as you sit down to enjoy your Irish Coffee or Guinness Beer, consider celebrating with NYLI... by checking out our $45 million dollar eBook collection, print, Records & Briefs & research assistance… everything you need to successfully practice law while saving a bit of green.

Learn more about becoming a NYLI member by clicking here….