The NYLI Knowledge Base is a dynamic collection of answers that the New York Law Institute’s reference and research librarians have provided in response to our patrons’ questions.
How to Use the Knowledge Base
To search the NYLI Knowledge Base, enter a key word (example: deposition), or a phrase in quotes (example: “change of name“).
Use * to indicate a wild card (example: depos* would find questions and answers containing the words depose, deposition, or depositions).
To view all records in the Knowledge Base, enter * (asterisk) with no other key words.
If you can’t find the answer, need any additional information, or would like to place a book or document delivery request, select the Request Information option that best matches your needs.
Sample Questions:
Question: I’m looking for any books on treatment of a business’s customer list when the business is sold.
Answer: This topic is covered in the treatise Privacy Law, in Chapter 7, “Privacy Concerns in Business Transactions: Mergers, Acquisitions, Corporate Restructuring, Bankruptcies, Liquidations”
Question: I need the section of the Puerto Rico statutes dealing with ‘international banking entities
Answer: For the purposes of Puerto Rico law, “international banking entities” (IBE’s) are governed by the provisions of Title 7, Section 232 of the Laws of Puerto Rico.
The NYLI Knowledge Base is provided for information purposes only. No response is intended to be construed or interpreted as legal advice.