
About Ellyssa

Ellyssa Valenti Kroski is the Director of Innovation & Engagement at the New York Law Institute as well as an award-winning editor and author of 77 books including Law Librarianship in the Age of AI for which she won the AALL's 2020 Joseph L. Andrews Legal Literature Award. She is a librarian, an adjunct faculty member at Drexel and San Jose State Universities, and an international conference speaker. She received the 2017 Library Hi Tech Award from the ALA/LITA for her long-term contributions in the area of Library and Information Science technology and its application. She can be found at: http://www.amazon.com/author/ellyssa

NYLI ProQuest Congressional Webinar

Webinar times are: Eastern Time

Optimize your federal legislative history research with ProQuest Congressional

The Library of the New York Law Institute offers web-based training sessions to help you discover new resources and enhance your research with Proquest Congressional, the premier electronic service for access to the activities and publications of the United States Congress, from […]

By |March 20th, 2024|Announcements|Comments Off on NYLI ProQuest Congressional Webinar

LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Group March Online Meeting

LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Group will meet at noon via Zoom on Thursday March 21st .  We will discuss Family style : memories of an American from Vietnam by Thien Pham (also available at NYPL).   Please see our LibGuide for past and upcoming titles.

Please contact, Eileen Dolan at edolan@NYLI.org to be added to […]

By |March 18th, 2024|Announcements|Comments Off on LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Group March Online Meeting

Legal Research for Beginners

NYLI’s Director of Innovation & Engagement, Ellyssa Valenti Kroski, will be giving a webinar for the American Library Association (ALA) on Law Librarianship for Beginners.  In this webinar, participants will learn the fundamental elements of finding legal materials, including primary sources like constitutions; statutes; court opinions and case law; regulations; and administrative decisions. Kroski […]

By |March 11th, 2024|Announcements, News from the Field|Comments Off on Legal Research for Beginners

LLMC-Digital British-English Resources Webinar

The New York Law Institute offers web-based training sessions to help you discover new resources and enhance your research with LLMC-Digital, an extensive archive of historical primary and specialized legal materials covering the U.S. federal and state governments, the British Commonwealth, other foreign countries, and various international organizations. Remote access to LLMC-Digital is included […]

By |February 26th, 2024|Announcements|Comments Off on LLMC-Digital British-English Resources Webinar

LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Group February Online Meeting

LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Group will meet at noon via Zoom on Thursday February 22nd .  We will discuss Monstrous by Sarah Myer (also available at NYPL).   Please see our LibGuide for past and upcoming titles.

Please contact, Eileen Dolan at edolan@NYLI.org to be added to the meeting.

By |February 19th, 2024|Announcements|Comments Off on LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Group February Online Meeting

NYLI Closed for President’s Day

The New York Law Institute will be closed on Monday, February 19, 2024 in observance of the Presidents’ Day national holiday and will reopen on Tuesday, February 20th at 9:00 AM.

By |February 14th, 2024|Announcements|Comments Off on NYLI Closed for President’s Day

Fall in Love with NYLI Services and Resources

The New York Law Institute offers members a variety of resources and services including two eBooks collections providing access to over 230,000 eBook titles.

We offer the entire West Academic Nutshells series in eBook format, hundreds of ABA titles, and Mathew Bender legal treatises.  We also offer access to valuable electronic resources such as Proquest […]

By |February 12th, 2024|Announcements|Comments Off on Fall in Love with NYLI Services and Resources

LLAGNY Book Club February Discussion

Note: This event has been postponed until February 20th due to inclement weather.

The LLAGNY Book Club Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 13th @ 6 p.m. at The New York Law Institute (120 Broadway / 9th Floor – Rm. 932/NY NY  10271. The book to be discussed is The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

RSVP […]

By |February 7th, 2024|Announcements|Comments Off on LLAGNY Book Club February Discussion

Webinar: Reading Together: Secrets To A Long Running Graphic Novel Book Club

Please join law librarians Eileen Dolan, Ellyssa Valenti Kroski, and Chris Walunas, as they chat about running a consistent book club since the before-Covid times, through early Covid, and into our present. The club’s transition from in-person to virtual meetups in 2020 amplified engagement through the collective pedagogy of reading together. Reading graphic novels […]

By |January 22nd, 2024|Announcements|Comments Off on Webinar: Reading Together: Secrets To A Long Running Graphic Novel Book Club

NYLI ProQuest Congressional Webinar

Webinar times are: Eastern Time

Optimize your federal legislative history research with ProQuest Congressional

The Library of the New York Law Institute offers web-based training sessions to help you discover new resources and enhance your research with Proquest Congressional, the premier electronic service for access to the activities and publications of the United States […]

By |January 22nd, 2024|Announcements|Comments Off on NYLI ProQuest Congressional Webinar