
About Emily Moog

Emily Moog is a Research Analyst at The New York Law Institute. Her career started as a page at The New York Public Library and she has worked for more than two decades as a law librarian in NYC, working at Cleary Gottlieb, Paul Weiss, and most recently at Carter Ledyard & Milburn LLP. Emily served on the LLAGNY Board, and is a frequent contributor to its newsletter, “Law Lines”. Emily's interest include legal research, New York City history and anything a little obscure!

Top o’ the Morning Greetings from NYLI

Everyone’s a little bit Irish on St. Patrick’s Day….. & so NYLI would like to share some resources to help you celebrate the day in a scholarly way…..

For quick definitions.. or in depth history… check out our eBook collection for these 2….

And, you may ask, who is that bust featured in green hat & […]

By |March 12th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Top o’ the Morning Greetings from NYLI

Author Stacy Horn Thanks NYLI… & gives a Shout Out at the Strand!

Author Stacy Horn’s newest book, The Killing Fields of East New York: The First Subprime Mortgage Scandal, includes The New York Law Institute in her acknowledgments…

Hey, that’s us!….the people that find information! Author Stacy Horn thanks NYLI….

Lucy, Brooke and I were thrilled to attend the early February book launch at the […]

By |March 10th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Author Stacy Horn Thanks NYLI… & gives a Shout Out at the Strand!

Women’s Right to Vote… Did you know?

For the month of March, we’ll be featuring a “Did you Know” blog each week regarding Women’s History…I’m sure you do know that March is Women’s History month, right?

Women’s History Month established by Congress in 1987 (P.L. 100-9). Did you know that NYLI membership gives you access to ProQuest Congressional??

Suffragist, November 25, 1916, […]

By |March 3rd, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Women’s Right to Vote… Did you know?

Closing out Black History Month: Pioneers in Librarianship…E.J. Josey, Carla Stanton Jones, Regina Andrews, Dorothy B. Porter, & Arthur A. Schomburg

With Black History month coming to an end, we’ve saved the best for last — a NYLI blog salute to African- American librarians!

Arthur Alfonso Schomburg’s life mission was to teach African Americans about their own history and achievements. A bibliophile, historian, curator and most famously now remembered as a collector: his artwork, manuscripts and rare […]

By |February 24th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Closing out Black History Month: Pioneers in Librarianship…E.J. Josey, Carla Stanton Jones, Regina Andrews, Dorothy B. Porter, & Arthur A. Schomburg

For Black History Month: Pioneering Entrepreneurs –Maggie Walker, Sheila Johnson, Robert F. Smith

For this week in Black History month, we’d like to take a look at pioneering Black entrepreneurs…

Let’s start with Maggie Walker…. Born to sharecropper parents, Walker was orphaned at 7, married at 14 and widowed by 20. The child of former slaves, Walker is considered the first documented American woman to be a self-made millionaire […]

By |February 17th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on For Black History Month: Pioneering Entrepreneurs –Maggie Walker, Sheila Johnson, Robert F. Smith

A Day of Hearts & Flowers from NYLI….

This Valentine’s Day… the phrase “hearts and flowers” came to mind… and like any word-loving librarian, I began to wonder about its origins…And, what better source for word queries than the Oxford English Dictionary (OED to the cognescenti, lol)…

Ahh…the OED..present day meanings AND etymology! Up to date OED available remotely with NYLI membership….

As any […]

By |February 14th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on A Day of Hearts & Flowers from NYLI….

For Black History Month: Celebrate Pioneers in the U.S. Congress

Hiram R. Revels, Joseph F. Rainey, Shirley Chisholm, John Conyers…..are just a few names of those who pioneered the way for African American representation in the U.S. Congress…..

Schomburg Center – NYPL “Hiram R. Revels of Mississippi, the first colored member of the U.S. Senate, Joseph F. Rainey of South Carolina, […]

By |February 10th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on For Black History Month: Celebrate Pioneers in the U.S. Congress

For Black History Month: An Appreciation of Thurgood Marshall (& some NYLI Resources)

This Black History Month, we’d like to begin with an appreciation of Thurgood Marshall… along with NYLI resources where you can learn more about the first African-American U.S. Supreme Court Justice….

Thurgood Marshall’s Supreme Court Hearings.. available on LLMC with NYLI membership

Perhaps Marshall’s best known case was the landmark Supreme Court case of […]

By |February 3rd, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on For Black History Month: An Appreciation of Thurgood Marshall (& some NYLI Resources)

For MLK Day: Learn more about the Voting Rights Act

95 years after the 15th Amendment’s ratification, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 promised to enforce the right to vote by eliminating obstacles such as poll taxes, literacy tests, and other bureaucratic restrictions imposed by many Southern state legislatures during the post-Reconstruction period.

The 1898 Louisiana Constitution eliminated Reconstruction Era’s voting rights for […]

By |January 20th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on For MLK Day: Learn more about the Voting Rights Act

Autographed Black’s Law Dictionary Garners attention @ NYLI!

Regarded as a definitive legal authority, Black’s Law Dictionary was first published in 1861. Author Henry Campbell Black’s original preface describes the work as “a concise and yet comprehensive book of definitions of the terms, phrases, and maxims used in American law…necessary to be understood by the working lawyer and judge, as […]

By |January 8th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Autographed Black’s Law Dictionary Garners attention @ NYLI!