
About Emily Moog

Emily Moog is a Research Analyst at The New York Law Institute. Her career started as a page at The New York Public Library and she has worked for more than two decades as a law librarian in NYC, working at Cleary Gottlieb, Paul Weiss, and most recently at Carter Ledyard & Milburn LLP. Emily served on the LLAGNY Board, and is a frequent contributor to its newsletter, “Law Lines”. Emily's interest include legal research, New York City history and anything a little obscure!

Autographed Black’s Law Dictionary Garners attention @ NYLI!

Regarded as a definitive legal authority, Black’s Law Dictionary was first published in 1861. Author Henry Campbell Black’s original preface describes the work as “a concise and yet comprehensive book of definitions of the terms, phrases, and maxims used in American law…necessary to be understood by the working lawyer and judge, as […]

By |January 8th, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Autographed Black’s Law Dictionary Garners attention @ NYLI!

Happy Birthday to Alexander Hamilton, Lawyer…..

Alexander Hamilton’s epitaph notes that he was “a patriot, soldier and statesman whose talents and virtues will be admired long after this marble shall have mouldered into dust”.

Alexander Hamilton’s final resting place — Trinity Churchyard– across from The New York Law Institute (120 Broadway/NYC)

And with Lin-Manuel’s Musical, many now know of the duel that […]

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Fats Waller, Popeye & Virginia Woolf walk into a Bar (otherwise known as Public Domain Day!)

The written word, images, music and film all exit the world of copyright and enter into public domain….. This Public Domain Day (1.1.2025), we’ve got some interesting graduates entering into the latest class of public domain works of art….

“Virginia Stephen (Woolf)” The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1902. […]

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Cheers! Prohibition ends by State Convention Ratification

Something to contemplate as you attend Holiday Office parties and tree trimmings…..On December 5, 1933, the 18th Amendment – popularly known as “Prohibition,” was repealed…

New York Daily News; December 6, 1933. .. Headline says it all!

The 21st Amendment is the only one that repeals a previous amendment. Additionally, it is the the […]

By |December 11th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Cheers! Prohibition ends by State Convention Ratification

Gnome Alone!

With my decorating partner Pheobe Hurtte retiring over the Summer, I was both stumped as to holiday book themes and missing her able assistance with ornaments…

Gnomes alone created this…. NYLI’s tree constructed out of NY Case Law books

Over the long Thanksgiving Break, NYLI experienced a once in a lifetime visit of what is popularly […]

By |December 9th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Gnome Alone!

Did you Know? The Thanksgiving Edition…

You probably know that Thanksgiving is celebrated this year on November 28th….

US Congress Proclaims that Thursday, December 9, 1779 to be a” Day of public and solemn Thanksgiving”. Part of LLMC’s Government collection – and free to NYLI members

But did you know that until the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln, the month and day […]

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Brooke Raymond’s Journey of building a library: From Times Square to Cambodia

NYLI’s Senior Research Analyst Brooke Raymond’s dedication to reading & promotion of literacy led her to help found a library in Cambodia….And it all began with a workplace bookfair …..

Click here to read the full story — of how one volunteering opportunity led to reading a book about philanthropy which then led to working […]

By |November 20th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Brooke Raymond’s Journey of building a library: From Times Square to Cambodia

Did You Know…Veterans Day Edition from NYLI

You probably know that November 11th is known as Veterans Day, a Federal Holiday….

Making it official… Public Laws, Legislative History, Federal materials…. All available to NYLI members through ProQuest Congressional

And you may know that Veterans Day was original “Armistice Day” — commemorating the end of World War I (November 11, 1918) …

Image from the […]

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NYLI gets involved in disputed election (back in 1876!)

The 1876 Presidential Election was one of the most contentious ever….

NY Democrat Samuel J. Tilden won the popular vote over Ohio Republican Rutherford B. Hayes.

Fort Scott Tribune (Kansas); Nov. 9, 1876

But…. 20 Electoral Votes (Florida, Louisiana, Oregon, South Carolina) were in dispute. Am I the only one experiencing Deja […]

By |November 5th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on NYLI gets involved in disputed election (back in 1876!)

NYLI’s Brooke Raymond interviewed by Trinity College.. Room To Read, NYLI, & her college experiences…

Our very own Brooke Raymond was recently interviewed by the Trinity College Alumni magazine! Click here to read all about Brooke’s work with Room to Read — including the opening of the Raymond Library in Cambodia — as well as her experiences at Trinity and work as a Senior Research Analyst […]

By |October 30th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on NYLI’s Brooke Raymond interviewed by Trinity College.. Room To Read, NYLI, & her college experiences…