
About Emily Moog

Emily Moog is a Research Analyst at The New York Law Institute. Her career started as a page at The New York Public Library and she has worked for more than two decades as a law librarian in NYC, working at Cleary Gottlieb, Paul Weiss, and most recently at Carter Ledyard & Milburn LLP. Emily served on the LLAGNY Board, and is a frequent contributor to its newsletter, “Law Lines”. Emily's interest include legal research, New York City history and anything a little obscure!

Book Company Execs visit NYLI!

My colleague Brooke Raymond met up with Sanjay Kapoor and Sumain Malik, legal publishing executives at SCC online/Eastern Book company, at the recent AALL conference in Boston. Sanjay and Sumain took Brooke up on her invitation to tour NYLI…. and we were honored to share our love of books and information resources […]

By |August 14th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Book Company Execs visit NYLI!

Member Chat with Janice E. Easton-Epner !

Janice E. Easton-Epner talks librarianship, publishing, LLAGNY volunteering, & CLE’s…

To read full Law Lines interview… click here!!

By |August 9th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Member Chat with Janice E. Easton-Epner !

Law Student tours NYLI…

Tyler Joseph (T.J.) Wright, University of St. Thomas (Minneapolis, MN) law school student, toured NYLI in mid-July. T.J.’s interests include IP (trademark and copyright) and corporate law. We enjoyed meeting Tyler and showing off our unique collection as well as giving him directions to nearby Trinity Churchyard — home […]

By |August 7th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Law Student tours NYLI…

What’s New in Nutshells at NYLI?

Nutshells are THE starting point to research a new area of law….

And here at NYLI, we are always acquiring new Nutshells, many as eBooks, for our members…

West’s latest nutshell…. and we’ve got it @ NYLI as an eBook

Immigration Law and Procedure in a Nutshell … 8th Edition just released … and, you guessed […]

By |August 2nd, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on What’s New in Nutshells at NYLI?

Bankruptcy Clerks attend NYLI orientation (& check out our Bankruptcy LibGuide!)

The New York Law Institute was happy to meet once again with U.S. Bankruptcy (EDNY) summer interns & clerks and provide research tips and general orientation to our collection…

Archival materials… Clerks get their glove on…

And… for our viewers at home… get up to speed on Bankruptcy research by checking out our LibGuide…..

By |July 31st, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Bankruptcy Clerks attend NYLI orientation (& check out our Bankruptcy LibGuide!)

@ AALL ? Then here’s a Boston Puzzle!

Now that you have returned from the 2023 AALL convention…..

You may enjoy my Boston themed crossword puzzle… Just click here for the puzzle & answer key…. (& no cheating, lol!)

The NY Law Institute — we’ve got a lot! == Records & Briefs, eBooks, print, research guidance of expert librarians… & a puzzle […]

By |July 26th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on @ AALL ? Then here’s a Boston Puzzle!

8 Resources for New York State Legal Research + a LibGuide!

My colleague, Brooke Raymond, has written a great guide to resources for New York Legal Research … check out her Law Lines article by clicking here….

NY Civil Practice Annuals…or as the cognoscenti call them “Clevenger’s” … all the way back to 1921 @ NYLI

And don’t forget to look at Brooke’s related LibGuide […]

By |July 24th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 8 Resources for New York State Legal Research + a LibGuide!

A Book (and a People’s) Survival: Book Club meets @ NYLI to discuss Brooks’- People of the Book

The LLAGNY Book Club met in Mid-May at NYLI to discuss Geraldine’s Brooks’ People of the Book, a work of historical fiction that chronicles the history of the famed Sarajevo Haggadah….

Historical articles & pictures artfully displayed for LLAGNY’s “People of the Book” discussion…..

For more on the book club’s discussion of this many faceted historical […]

By |July 19th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on A Book (and a People’s) Survival: Book Club meets @ NYLI to discuss Brooks’- People of the Book

Going down the Shore? Don’t forget your New Jersey Law Journal (& your sunscreen!)

Summer in New York often has its own language — and weekend getaways their own designations: “Going down the Shore” is shorthand to that trip down the Garden State Parkway to Asbury and beyond. A stay at the Hamptons” is sometimes just more humbly stated as a few days “out on […]

By |July 17th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Going down the Shore? Don’t forget your New Jersey Law Journal (& your sunscreen!)

July 13th: Embrace your Geekness Day & NYLI’s the Place!

Let your inner Geek rein this July 13th… It’s officially Embrace Your Geekness Day…

So consider embarking on one of these Geeky Adventures….

Escape Rooms —

We’ve hosted a few! & check out my colleague Ellyssa’s guide..available @ NYLI!

Cosplay… not just for Comic Con… but for Library Geeks as well!

Costume Play…. Libraries aren’t just for […]

By |July 13th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on July 13th: Embrace your Geekness Day & NYLI’s the Place!