NYLI Closed for Memorial Day
The New York Law Institute will be closing early at 2 PM Friday, May 26, and will be closed Monday, May 29, 2023 in observance of Memorial Day . NYLI will reopen on Tuesday, May 30th at 9 a.m.
Happy Memorial Day!
The New York Law Institute will be closing early at 2 PM Friday, May 26, and will be closed Monday, May 29, 2023 in observance of Memorial Day . NYLI will reopen on Tuesday, May 30th at 9 a.m.
Happy Memorial Day!
The New York Law Institute now offers members a variety of resources and services including 2 eBooks collections providing access to over 200,000 eBook titles.
We offer the entire West Academic Nutshells series in eBook format, hundreds of ABA titles, and Mathew Bender legal treatises. We also offer access to valuable electronic resources such as […]
It’s May… and in the Law Firm world… that means that Summer Associates are arriving !!
And that means that The NY Law Institute has a new resource for you — the 2023 Summer Associate LibGuide….For our librarian colleagues — check it out for info on teaching legal research and writing, creating presentations, and […]
LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Group will meet via Zoom on Thursday May 18th at 12. We will discuss White Bird: A Wonder Story by R. J. Palacio (also available at NYPL). Please see our LibGuide for past and upcoming titles.
Please contact, Eileen Dolan at edolan@NYLI.org to be added to the meeting.
LLAGNY Book Club will be meeting on May 16th at — in person!– to discuss People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks….
RSVP to Jill Gray at jill.gray@friedfrank.com
& mark your calendar — May 16th, 6 p.m. — at The New York Law Institute… for another great read & discussion of ideas with your LLAGNY colleagues!
The […]
Wright & Miller — as it is commonly known — has been the go to resource for attorneys researching federal civil, criminal and appellate procedure, as well as rules of civil, criminal, and appellate procedure, rules of evidence, the federal judicial system, jurisdiction of all federal courts, venue, removal of cases, res judicata, […]
The LLAGNY Book Club met once again in late February to discuss Australian author Sulari Gentill’s mystery novel The Woman in the Library….
For more on the book club’s discussion of this very contemporary mystery, click here for my full review as posted in Law Lines…. & keep an eye out for posting & […]
We were more than a little surprised when Elvis Presley showed up at NYLI with his entourage — Carmen Miranda, Tina Turner, Marilyn Monroe and Amy Winehouse, for our Favorite Song Lyric Contest Drawing. Tina had the honor of drawing the winners — but all of of our celebrity guests were […]
Law Day is over 60 years old but its mission remains the same: held annually on May 1, it is a national day set aside to celebrate the rule of law.
Past Law Day Themes included celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment, the Constitution in Times of Change, and Advancing the […]
If you were unable to join us for yesterday’s webinar in our NYLI Skills Series: How to Canva, you can still check out the session in this 15-minute video where you will learn the ins and outs of how to use Canva including:
What can be designed in CanvaHow to navigate the […]