Happy New Year!
From all of us here at NYLI…Happy New Year everyone!
From all of us here at NYLI…Happy New Year everyone!
NYLI will be closing early on Friday, December 30th for New Year’s Eve at 2pm and will be closed on Monday, January 2nd for the New Year’s holiday. We will re-open on Tuesday, January 3rd.
We here at NYLI wish you a very Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from our family to yours!
The New York Law Institute will close early at 2:00pm on Friday, December 23rd and will be closed Monday, December 26th for the Christmas holiday. We here at NYLI wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Standardized tests for school admission has come under increasing scrutiny. SATs are no longer required for some colleges, and specialized High Schools are considering a more holistic approach in crafting new admission policies.
The American Bar Association has been debating its requirements of standardized tests for Law School admission since the Spring.
And Bill […]
Why December 15th? Well because on that date in 1791, the new United States of America ratified the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution , confirming the fundamental rights of its citizens.
Presidential Proclamations — and Federal Legislative History materials — available on ProQuest Congressional — accessible through […]
How long have Apps been around? They date to way back to the era of big hair, MTV, and shoulder pads — that’s right — the 1980s!
Steve Jobs came up with the idea of an app store in 1983…..
Recognize this guy? It’s Steve Jobs !!
And also during the halcyon days of […]
The Elf on the Shelf made a surprise visit to The New York Law Institute !And true to form, that little imp got into everything !!
The Elf’s first stop was our New York Collection …really loving the superseded!
Did you know that NYLI has all 50 States superseded statutes — and for NY — […]
Joseph Story, one of the youngest U.S. Supreme Court Justices, wrote opinions that greatly influenced American Jurisprudence….
And The New York Law Institute members have ready access to his works….
Constitution is never a bad place to start -4th Edition , an 1873 perspective!
A classic on Equity Jurisprudence!
Time to take out a contract! 1847 […]
Molly Brown… Joan Didion.. Grace Kelly.. & Sylvia Plath… were all guests at the famed Barbizon Hotel….. And the LLAGNY Book Club had its own metaphorical stay by way of its October book club discussion….Click here to read my full review of our latest Book Club meeting… where LLAGNY members discussed […]