Return to the office or results-only work environment (ROWE)?

by Eileen Dolan, Technical Services Librarian

Some of us are getting ready to return to the office in the
next few months. Some of us look forward to the social interaction, while
others dread the commute and lack of flexibility. The New Yorker has an
excellent article by Cal Newport, How
to Achieve Sustainable Remote Work. The article speaks […]

By |August 9th, 2021|News from the Field|Comments Off on Return to the office or results-only work environment (ROWE)?

AALL presents “The Future of Library Collections”.. with a Shout Out to NYLI!

What materials are essential? How can information be made more accessible? How do we know what our patrons need? How can we foster better communication ? How do we develop a budget strategy so that it is our story?

AALL Conference once again allows us to learn from our colleagues — those in […]

By |August 4th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on AALL presents “The Future of Library Collections”.. with a Shout Out to NYLI!

50 Law Library Stories You May Have Missed in July

July was a jam-packed month of law library and technology stories. Check out some of these posts, articles, and reports you may have missed last month!

Marketplace Report: ” It Checks Out — Libraries are an “Investment That’s Well Worth It” | InfoDocketEveryone in Your Organization Needs to Understand AI Ethics | Harvard Business […]

By |August 2nd, 2021|News from the Field|Comments Off on 50 Law Library Stories You May Have Missed in July

Got Print?

Pictured above: Library Assistant Pheobe Hurtte

By Karen
Oesterle, Head of Reference

NYLI’s been open for our members, filing supplements and lending books, throughout the pandemic.

We are in the library every day!!

Are your books now out of date?Is your filing out of control, with months of backlog?Does returning to the office mean your print collection is not […]

By |July 28th, 2021|Announcements, New at NYLI|Comments Off on Got Print?

Conference Recordings from “Reinventing Libraries for a Post-COVID World” Virtual Event

NYLI’s Director of IT & Marketing, Ellyssa Valenti Kroski, partnered with SJSU and Library 2.0 to organize a free virtual mini conference titled Reinventing Libraries for a Post-COVID World which took place on Thursday, June 17th, 2021.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, librarians have been faced with all manner of challenges as […]

By |July 26th, 2021|Announcements, News from the Field|Comments Off on Conference Recordings from “Reinventing Libraries for a Post-COVID World” Virtual Event

NYLI Now Has New York Court of Appeals Points and Cases Volumes Going Back to 1920.

by Karen Oesterle, Head of Reference

NYLI recently received a very generous donation from the New York County Lawyers Association.  We are thrilled to have acquired 190 boxes of New York Court of Appeals Points and Cases volumes going back to 1920.  Now known as Records and Briefs, these historical volumes include a wonderful […]

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Burr v. Hamilton Jr…Jumel Divorce Case… + NYLI’s own O’Conor !….

Thanks to Lin-Manuel’s musical, Alexander Hamilton is again known for so much more than the face of the ten-dollar bill….

eBook @ NYLI Author claims Eliza Jumel was one of Alexander Hamilton’s extramarital flings!!

But did you know that Alexander Hamilton Jr. was Madame Jumel’s attorney in her divorce suit against aging husband Aaron Burr? […]

By |July 19th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Burr v. Hamilton Jr…Jumel Divorce Case… + NYLI’s own O’Conor !….

LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Group July Online Meeting

LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Group will meet via Zoom on Thursday July 29th at 12. We will discuss Hicksville by Dylan Horrocks (also available at NYPL).  Please see our LibGuide for past and upcoming titles.

Please contact, Eileen Dolan at edolan@NYLI.org to be added to the meeting.

By |July 14th, 2021|Announcements|Comments Off on LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Group July Online Meeting

The 20 Most Borrowed Law Firm Library eBooks – June 2021

Compiled by Eileen Dolan, Technical Services Librarian and Ellyssa Valenti Kroski, Director of IT & Marketing.

At The New York Law Institute we provide two expansive eBook collections for remote access by our members; our OverDrive eBook collection consisting of over 100 Matthew Bender titles, nearly 200 ABA titles and the complete West Academic Nutshell […]

By |July 12th, 2021|Announcements|Comments Off on The 20 Most Borrowed Law Firm Library eBooks – June 2021

NYLI Executive Director Receives SLA New York Community’s Librarian of the Year Award !!

Lucy Curci-Gonzalez, The New York Law Institute’s very own Executive Director, has been nominated to receive Special Library Association’s New York Community’s Dana Gordon Special Librarian of the Year Award.  The award recognizes a professional librarian for outstanding achievement and accomplishments reflecting the shared purpose and goals of the library profession.

A past member […]

By |July 7th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on NYLI Executive Director Receives SLA New York Community’s Librarian of the Year Award !!