Week 7 Clue: NYLI Holiday Law Library Scavenger Hunt

Please join us this Fall and Winter holiday season as we present to you a festive, virtual Law Library Scavenger Hunt!! Each week we will reveal a clue and puzzle for you to solve. Solve each puzzle to find the secret code for that week and submit all scavenger hunt codes to […]

By |December 7th, 2020|Announcements|Comments Off on Week 7 Clue: NYLI Holiday Law Library Scavenger Hunt

LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Group December Online Meeting

LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Group will meet via Zoom on Thursday December 10th   at 12:00. We will discuss The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis.  Please see our LibGuide for past and upcoming titles.

Please contact, Eileen Dolan at edolan@NYLI.org to be added to the meeting

By |December 2nd, 2020|Announcements|Comments Off on LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Group December Online Meeting

Week 6 Clue: NYLI Holiday Law Library Scavenger Hunt

Please join us this Fall and Winter holiday season as we present to you a festive, virtual Law Library Scavenger Hunt!! Each week we will reveal a clue and puzzle for you to solve. Solve each puzzle to find the secret code for that week and submit all scavenger hunt codes to […]

By |November 30th, 2020|Announcements|Comments Off on Week 6 Clue: NYLI Holiday Law Library Scavenger Hunt

The New York Law Institute & The New York Legislative Service announce space sharing agreement

For immediate release                                                 

Contact: Ellyssa Valenti Kroski   Director of Information Technology/Marketing  The new York Law Institute

Contact: Steven Duanne HarveyExecutive Director   New York Legislative Service                           

(New York, NY – Nov 30, 2020) The New York Law Institute (NYLI), a membership law library, has announced that the New York Legislative Service (NYLS) has moved in […]

By |November 30th, 2020|Announcements, New at NYLI|Comments Off on The New York Law Institute & The New York Legislative Service announce space sharing agreement

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at The New York Law Institute!

By |November 26th, 2020|Announcements|Comments Off on Happy Thanksgiving!

Week 5 Clue: NYLI Holiday Law Library Scavenger Hunt

Please join us this Fall and Winter holiday season as we present to you a festive, virtual Law Library Scavenger Hunt!! Each week we will reveal a clue and puzzle for you to solve. Solve each puzzle to find the secret code for that week and submit all scavenger hunt codes […]

By |November 23rd, 2020|Announcements|Comments Off on Week 5 Clue: NYLI Holiday Law Library Scavenger Hunt

Early Closing for Thanksgiving Holiday at NYLI

NYLI will close at 3:00PM on Wednesday November 25th and will be closed Thursday and Friday, November 26th and 27th, in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.  We here at the New York Law Institute wish you a happy holiday!

By |November 18th, 2020|Announcements|Comments Off on Early Closing for Thanksgiving Holiday at NYLI

Week 4 Clue: NYLI Holiday Law Library Scavenger Hunt

Please join us this Fall and Winter holiday season as we present to you a festive, virtual Law Library Scavenger Hunt!! Each week we will reveal a clue and puzzle for you to solve. Solve each puzzle to find the secret code for that week and submit all scavenger hunt codes […]

By |November 16th, 2020|Announcements, New at NYLI|Comments Off on Week 4 Clue: NYLI Holiday Law Library Scavenger Hunt

NYLI ProQuest Congressional Webinar

November 18th @ 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Eastern

Optimize your federal legislative history research with ProQuest Congressional

The Library of the New York Law Institute offers web-based training sessions to help you discover new resources and enhance your research with Proquest Congressional, the premier electronic service for access to the activities and publications of the United […]

By |November 16th, 2020|Announcements|Comments Off on NYLI ProQuest Congressional Webinar

LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Group November Online Meeting

LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Group will be hosted via Zoom on Thursday November 19th @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm. In October we discussed: I Was Their American Dream: A Graphic Memoir . Please see our LibGuide for upcoming titles.

Please contact, Eileen Dolan at edolan@NYLI.org to be added to the meeting.

By |November 11th, 2020|Announcements|Comments Off on LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Group November Online Meeting