Barbecues, fireworks, and picnics — all July 4th traditions…
But as librarians, we are all about researching & learning a little bit more.
For example, you probably know that July 4, 1776 is the day the Declaration of Independence was signed... but did you know…
You probably know (from the musical 1776!) that Ben Franklin and John Adams were instrumental in getting the Declaration of Independence signed….
But did you know that the colonies had a long tradition of legislative bodies, including colonial New York City’s election of Mayor and Aldermen?
You probably know that our laws are both rooted in history but also change over time…
But did you know that by joining The New York Law Institute, you’ll have access to both the oldest and latest treatises, eBooks, Records & Briefs, laws & regulations..
Start your own legal research revolution… click her for more about becoming a NYLI member!