We offer our members access to a range of research databases at no additional cost. Some databases can be accessed by members remotely 24/7 from any computer, using a password, while others are only available to our staff and to walk-in visitors to the library. For online or customized training, please view our calendar of events or contact us.
All of our members have free access to the EBL Ebook Library and can download eBooks to their devices anytime, anywhere. There are no waiting lines as multiple users can check out the same title at the same time.
More info.
Access eBook LibraryThe New York Law Institute now offers a collection of Matthew Bender, ABA, and Nutshells titles in its OverDrive Collection. This new eBooks collection of over 400 eBooks is available to all NYLI members! This service is currently free for all NYLI members, who may now download eBooks to their devices anytime, anywhere.
More info. Access OverDrive eBooks Collection
The ProQuest Congressional service provides users with efficient, targeted access to the most comprehensive collection of historic and current congressional information available anywhere online.
More info. Access ProQuest Congressional
Searchable archive of state session laws and other government documents, appellate court records and briefs, historical case law reporters and major U.S. and British legal treatises.
More info.Access LLMC
The accepted authority on the English language. An unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over 600,000 words from across the English-speaking world.
More info.Access Oxford English Dictionary
Law reviews, NY session laws, current and historical statutes, treaties, and more. All content is fully-searchable, image-based and available for download in PDF. (Remote access available to firms of 50 or fewer attorneys, non-profit organizations, and government agencies only)
NEW! US Congressional Serial Set! More info.Access HeinOnline
Search a universe of more than 956 million resources across print, digital and electronic formats, including; 217+ million books, 91,495 journals, 668+ million articles, more than 13.6+ million e-Book titles, and 29+ million digital items from trusted sources like Google Books, and OAIster.
More info.Access OCLC FirstSearch
WorldCat Discovery Services provides a suite of cloud-based applications that brings the FirstSearch and WorldCat Local services together. Search a universe of more than 956 million resources across print, digital and electronic formats, including; 217+ million books, 91,495 journals, 668+ million articles, more than 13.6+ million e-Book titles, and 29+ million digital items from trusted sources like Google Books, and OAIster.
More info.Access WorldCat Discovery
A dynamic, searchable collection of answers to patrons’ questions that are provided by our reference and research librarians
. Access NYLI Knowledge Base
A multilingual dictionary translating English to French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, and Latin and French-Spanish, French-German, French-Italian, Spanish-German, Spanish-Portuguese.
Access Ultralingua Online Dictionary

United States Government Documents & Publications: Federal Depository Library
As a designated
Federal Depository Library, the New York Law Institute Library provides
free access to Federal Depository Library Program content, including online access. Most of the print materials selected by NYLI through the depository program relate to law.