NYLI Services New Staff Orientation Webinar


The New York Law Institute now offers members a variety of resources and services including 2 eBooks collections providing access to over 160,000 eBook titles. We offer the entire West Academic Nutshells series in eBook format, hundreds of ABA titles, and Mathew Bender legal treatises.  We also offer access to valuable electronic resources such as Proquest […]

NYLI ProQuest Congressional Webinar


Webinar times are: Eastern Time Optimize your federal legislative history research with ProQuest Congressional The Library of the New York Law Institute offers web-based training sessions to help you discover new resources and enhance your research with Proquest Congressional, the premier electronic service for access to the activities and publications of the United States Congress, […]

LLMC-Digital Webinar


Webinar times are: Eastern Time Optimize your records and briefs research with LLMC-Digital The Library of the New York Law Institute offers web-based training sessions to help you discover new resources and enhance your research with LLMC-Digital, an extensive archive of historical primary and specialized legal materials covering the U.S. federal and state governments, the […]

VoxGov Luncheon and Webinar

The New York Law Institute 120 Broadway, Suite 932, New York, NY, United States

On Wednesday, January 24, 2018, NYLI will host an introduction to Voxgov - a unique platform providing visibility into who in government is saying what on any issue at any time.   Join us either at NYLI for lunch or via Webinar. Lunch 12 -12:30 at NYLI 120 Broadway Webinar 12:30-1:30  Drawing from over 9,000 indexed […]

NYLI Services New Staff Orientation Webinar


The New York Law Institute now offers members a variety of resources and services including 2 eBooks collections providing access to over 160,000 eBook titles. We offer the entire West Academic Nutshells series in eBook format, hundreds of ABA titles, and Mathew Bender legal treatises.  We also offer access to valuable electronic resources such as Proquest […]

NYLI OverDrive Collection Webinar


Webinar times are: EST The New York Law Institute now offers members direct free access to a collection of over 600 eBooks from major legal publishers Matthew Bender and the ABA through their new OverDrive Collection.  This collection also includes the West Academic Nutshells series of eBooks. Join Research Librarian Karen Oesterle to learn more […]

NYLI ProQuest Congressional Webinar


Webinar times are: Eastern Time Optimize your federal legislative history research with ProQuest Congressional The Library of the New York Law Institute offers web-based training sessions to help you discover new resources and enhance your research with Proquest Congressional, the premier electronic service for access to the activities and publications of the United States Congress, […]

LLAGNY Deliberate Solos Event

The New York Law Institute 120 Broadway, Suite 932, New York, NY, United States

Dismissed With Prejudice: Overcoming Bias Within Our Profession, and Moving Toward Diversity & Inclusion NY CLE Program February 21, 2018 6:10-7:00 p.m. The New York Law Institute 120 Broadway Room 932 Speakers: Eric M. Sarver, Esq. & Courtney Toiaivao As legal professionals, our code of ethics, our training, and the laws of civil procedure require […]

NYLI Services New Staff Orientation Webinar


The New York Law Institute now offers members a variety of resources and services including 2 eBooks collections providing access to over 160,000 eBook titles. We offer the entire West Academic Nutshells series in eBook format, hundreds of ABA titles, and Mathew Bender legal treatises.  We also offer access to valuable electronic resources such as Proquest […]

LLMC-Digital Webinar

Webinar times are: Eastern Time Optimize your records and briefs research with LLMC-Digital The Library of the New York Law Institute offers web-based training sessions to help you discover new resources and enhance your research with LLMC-Digital, an extensive archive of historical primary and specialized legal materials covering the U.S. federal and state governments, the […]