This Black History Month, we’d like to begin with an appreciation of Thurgood Marshall... along with NYLI resources where you can learn more about the first African-American U.S. Supreme Court Justice….

Perhaps Marshall’s best known case was the landmark Supreme Court case of Brown v. Board of Education that successfully overturned “the separate but equal clause” of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896).

Not as well known, but just as notable Marshall accomplishments….

Successfully fought for the admission of Donald Gaines Murray to the University of Maryland Law School. The Court ruled against the University, as they found Murray’s application was rejected on the basis of his race (Pearson v. Murray; 169 Md. 478, 1936).

Appointed as Second Circuit Judge by JFK, Marshall authored 98 majority opinions – none of which were reversed by the Supreme Court.

Worked on Kenya’s first Constitution and Bill of Rights. Most of Marshall’s provisions, with the notable exception of expanded property rights, were not kept in Kenya’s first independent constitution of 1963. Nonetheless, Marshall’s ideas of democratization were aspirations for future generations of Kenyans such as Barack Obama, Sr.

Cottage, 499 US 554 (1991) …Marshall wrote the Court’s Majority opinion this income tax case (& NYLI has Supreme Court Record & Briefs on film!)

Take some time out this Black History month to reflect on the accomplishments of Thurgood Marshall…. first African American U.S. Supreme Court Judge…..