While St. Valentine’s Day has it origins in both pagan and religious celebrations, love’s end goal of marriage has quite a few legal ramifications beyond the candied hearts and Hallmark cards exchanged on February 14th….
For some legal resources on the marriage contract, check out these sources available at NYLI:
For N.Y. Law — starting any research with McKinney’s Statutes and the NY Jurisprudence 2nd is always a great idea. Our extensive print collection includes treatises such as New York Law of Domestic Relations by Scheinkman and Law and the Family: New York by Brandes .
And then there’s the Nutshells — and NYLI’s got them in print and eBook format! Community Property in a Nutshell and Family Law in a Nutshell are a great place to begin a better understanding of marriage’s legal implications.
Our extensive eBook collection includes texts on 20th & 21st Century changes to marriage laws including titles such as From the Closet to the Altar and Virginia Hasn’t Always been for Lovers.
We at The New York Law Institute hope you are in love this Valentine’s Day…. and that you keep us in mind as your go to place to research marriage laws — or any laws !