General… President (our Country’s first)… George Washington’s reputation often resides in his role in the American Revolution…
Washington’s leadership was a deciding factor in the defeat of the British, a first for the Empire ….
As our country’s first President — Washington set precedent of only serving two terms, began the tradition of having an inaugural address and by established a cabinet system that helped the Executive Branch both delegate responsibility and receive expert advice. His Farewell address called for political unity and cautioned against three interrelated dangers that Washington believed threatened to destroy the Union: regionalism, partisanship, and foreign entanglements.
Perhaps Washington’s Farewell address still has some good advice for today…..

Congress in Context – Details of First Congress & Washington’s relationship to Legislature – ProQuest Congressional has all years’ “Congress in Context”. Free with NYLI membership
And while , dear Reader, you undoubtedly know all of this about G. Washington… did you know about his flower, the Lilium Washingtonianum?
OED definitions… LLMC historical documents, ProQuest Congressional, and all matters of legal materials (including Records & Briefs)...
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