With my decorating partner Pheobe Hurtte retiring over the Summer, I was both stumped as to holiday book themes and missing her able assistance with ornaments…

Over the long Thanksgiving Break, NYLI experienced a once in a lifetime visit of what is popularly called Librarian Gnomes. Much like Halley’s Comet, they only show up once every 100 years or so and neither Astronomers, nor Zoologists or even AI can predict their appearance. But here at NYLI, the elusive Gnomes’ decorating expertise was very much welcome….
And, being Gnomes with M.L.S. degrees, their decorating emphasized books….

And those Gnomes didn’t forget NYLI’s Nutshell collection…
A frequent concern of the itinerant Gnomes is the intricacies of NY Real Estate Law (they’ve been after getting a rent stabilized apartment for years!)
Alas, this will be the only year I can count on the Librarian Gnomes for my holiday decorating… but every year, you can count on NYLI for legal research & resources. Make 2025 the year you become a member…

Very Merry December Wishes to all our readers from the stars of NYLI…. Lucy, Brooke, Emily, Ellyssa & Eileen…