Chances are, you may be going to a Graduation Party in June!
And, like just about every human endeavor, there are dedicated laws & regs regarding Education Law…..
For Federal Regs — Check out Title 34 subtitle B of the CFR —
For Department of Education Guidance… check out their website…& don’t forget to take a look at up-to-date and historical DOE policy letters…also on their website,,,,
And , finally, the DOE also provides statistics on every issue of concern….
Knowing where to find the law, regs, and stats is only a small part of understanding Education Law… how to interpret the law?
Check out these secondary resources — all available with NYLI membership!
And for in depth look at college administration law …
For the broad category of Special Education….
What about the legislative intent of the myriad of Education Laws? Title IX?”No Child Left Behind”? “Individuals with Disabilities Education Act”?

This June… after you’ve thrown your cap in the air and received the much sought after sheepskin…consider joining The New York Law Institute and gain access to….
eBooks, Print, ProQuest Congressional, LLMC, Records & Briefs… & the expert guidance of our Research Librarians…
Learning more shouldn’t end with Graduation… promote yourself & your practice .. by becoming a NYLI member this Summer.