Juneteenth was made a Federal Holiday when President Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act in 2021 — but it has been a longstanding tradition, first celebrated by the African-American community in Texas in 1866. It was established as a Texas State Holiday in 1980.
What is Juneteenth?

For your own Juneteenth celebrations, NYLI recommends these websites
Voices Remembering Slavery: Freed People Tell Their Stories
Honor the past by listening to the Library of Congress recordings of former slaves telling their stories
Juneteenth at the New York Public Library
Free books, events, and resources….plus NYPL’s great research guides on Juneteenth, Racial Equity Resources for Educators, & researching Black Heritage using NYPL sources…
NAACP urges you to take action this Juneteenth… by taking action
23 Ways to thoughtfully celebrate Juneteenth from our friends at the Good News Community
Don’t let the holiday slip into just another day off… Choose a way to commemorate!
The New York Law Institute wishes all readers a joyous Juneteenth… and hope these guides help you not only celebrate… but commemorate….

A $15M eBook collection, print, Records & Briefs, LLMC, ProQuest Congressional... and the expert research guidance of our librarians…..
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