Our colleagues at the Government Printing Office are living up to their motto of “Keeping America Informed” — releasing many key documents from the Trump Impeachment process.
Scholars, legal experts… really anyone with internet access!.. can now examine….
H.R. 116-346… House Report with dissenting views (12/15/2019).
H.R. 116-335…. Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report with Minority Views (12/11/2019)
Hearings before the House Judiciary Committee (12/9/2019)….
And on the Senate’s Side….
S. Doc 116-12... Proceedings of U.S. Senate in Impeachment Trial of President Trump (1/16/2020).
Trump now joins Clinton in having his impeachment records made readily available on the web.. all thanks to the diligent work of the GPO !!
NYLI has requested print copies of Trump’s Impeachment records for future historians …
Andrew Johnson, the first U.S. President to be impeached, predated the internet age but his impeachment records are part of the New York Law Institute’s rare and historical collection….
And then there are the secondary sources in NYLI’s print & e-book collections to help guide you through the Johnson, Clinton, and now Trump Impeachments…..

Eileen Dolan, NYLI’s Technical Services Librarian, assisted in the research for this article.