Well, we are in our third week into blogging about libraries and librarians, and after last week’s rather lighthearted topic of Librarians in Pop Culture, we thought we’d turn our attention to important moments in library history. Which, when you think about it, are important moments in human progress…..
Information really isn’t information unless its accessible….
Voila – the first card catalogue !

For another great moment it library history…. when accessibility was forever changed….
Well, we’ve covered two great moments in accessibility of information….
But what about the creation of great collections?
Too many great libraries to list in this short blog, so I’ll stick to my native New Yorker bias and go with….

NYLI now provides a $15 million eBook collection, print resources, research assistance, access to ProQuest Congressional & LLMC., and the all important Record & Briefs to its members.
Time for you to have your GREAT MOMENT… by joining NYLI today !!