Well, here we are, another Wednesday in April, and that means a NYLI blog celebrating librarians….
Sophisticates pretend they aren’t effected by the popular… but images often subtly change our opinions or can, unfortunately, reinforce long-held stereotypes….
So here’s a salute to those pop culture creations that advanced the image of the librarian profession….
While most of us know that Gotham City’s librarian Barbara Gordon’s alter ego is the crime-fighting Bat Girl (the same initials are the giveaway, lol)…

Many librarians are surprised to learn that Marvel also has a superhero librarian — Lord Librarian of the Thor series. His title kind of says it all — but in case readers are in any doubt, Lord Librarian is described as the “caretaker of the divine archives in Omnipotence City’s Halls of All-Knowing” (but I still wonder if he knows about MARC cataloguing!)
The world of movies is full of librarians — just click here for my previous blog on best films featuring librarians — but two deserve mention as they really shatter stereotypes…. Weird Al’s creation”Conan the Librarian” and Parker Posey’s portrayal of Mary in “Party Girl”….
Thank you Weird Al Yankovic for creating Conan the Librarian!
Conan the Librarian is certainly one athletic & assertive librarian.
Hey Hey Hello!! Thank you Parker Posey for “Party Girl”… library clerk & 1990s NYC Downtown Partier ! A positive image for aspiring librarians … dancing, fashion & going for that library degree!
And we’ll conclude with a Honda ad that generated a great deal of chatter …. yeah, well, it’s an Accord, but still it’s nice to be thought of by Madison Avenue….

Till next week, when our blog returns with “Great Moments in Library History”, you may want to check out books available at NYLI about librarianship…..
Not just Blogs, lol… LibGuides, Print, eBooks, Record & Briefs, LLMC, ProQuest Congressional, and expert research assistance... All at The New York Law Institute….