LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Group September Online Meeting
LLAGNY’s Graphic Novel Book Group will meet via Zoom on Thursday September 22nd at 12. We will discuss
Department of mind-blowing theories / cartoons by Tom Gauld also available at NYPL. Please see our
LibGuide for past and upcoming titles.
Please contact, Eileen Dolan at
edolan@NYLI.org to be added to the meeting.
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Ellyssa Valenti Kroski is the Director of Innovation & Engagement at the New York Law Institute as well as an award-winning editor and author of 77 books including Law Librarianship in the Age of AI for which she won the AALL's 2020 Joseph L. Andrews Legal Literature Award. She is a librarian, an adjunct faculty member at Drexel and San Jose State Universities, and an international conference speaker. She received the 2017 Library Hi Tech Award from the ALA/LITA for her long-term contributions in the area of Library and Information Science technology and its application. She can be found at: