If it’s the first day in May, it’s Law Day! This year, the ABA’s theme is Toward a More Perfect Union: The Constitution in Times of Change.
Law Day began with a Presidential Proclamation by President Eisenhower in 1958…

And Law Day was codified by a Joint Resolution by Congress in 1961…

But, now back to ABA’s 2022 programs focusing on the U.S. Constitution — check out ABA resources on:
Changing the Constitution: Formally & Informally
Exploring Constitutional law is also possible to NYLI members as you’ll have access to over 250,00 print books including this constitutional set:

And, as NYLI members, you’ll have access (anywhere!) to our 15 million dollar eBook collection including Nutshells, Matthew Bender and ABA titles, and yes, for Law Day, these eBooks on Constitutional Law:

Law Day is certainly worth celebrating. Learn more from ABA’s resources and consider The New York Law Institute when researching any legal topic on this 1st of May or really, on any day….