The New York Law Institute serves the legal community by providing our members access to a comprehensive collection of legal materials both in print and electronically. Our collection is developed specifically to address the needs of practicing attorneys and other legal personnel at firms of all types, as well as government agencies, corporate legal departments, and non-profit organizations.

Our Collections

The NYLI print collection contains approximately 250,000 volumes of primary and secondary materials, covering all aspects of law and legal practice.Access
Our members have free access to our eBook collections consisting of over 270,000 digital titles which can be downloaded to their devices anytime, anywhere. Access
The New York Law Institute is partnering with the New York Legislative Service, Inc. to offer access to New York State and New York City legislative histories at a discount price to our small firm members (50 attorneys or less firmwide).Access
Access to briefs can give an idea of how exactly a winning case was argued, while the record will often include documents that are not available anywhere else.Access
A unique feature of the NYLI collection is the large number of specialized, rare and historical primary legal materials available on microfiche and microfilm.Access
The New York Law Institute has a robust collection of rare and varied works on legal topics dating back to 1558.
