Curious about the Presidential Impeachment process, past impeachments, and a citizen’s duty regarding impeachment? Check out NYLI‘s collection and get up to speed —
A great – and really quick! – introduction is Alicia Klepeis’ Understanding the Impeachment Process. This e-book is under 50 pages with illustrations, so voila, you are just a 20 minute read away from being ready for cocktail party impeachment chatter !
For a more comprehensive assessment, check out Michael J. Gerhardt’s two offerings – both in our e-book collection – The Federal Impeachment Process: A Constitutional and Historical Analysis, Third Edition and a primer titled Impeachment: What Everyone Needs to Know. Both of Gerhardt’s books end with chapters regarding the current Trump impeachment….
Harvard Professor Cass Sunstein provides both a scholarly and highly personal view of impeachment, with the last chapter “Keeping the Republic” exhorting the reader to remember that :
And, in an interesting twist of history, Chief Justice William Rehnquist’s 1992 scholarly examination predates his involvement in the Impeachment of President Clinton! Available in NYLI’s print collection !

If your interests are with the 20th — and now 21st Century! — Presidents that came near or went through an impeachment trial, our e-books have you covered. Renowned federal Judge Richard Posner gives his analysis and opinion of transcripts in An Affair of State: The Investigation, Impeachment, and Trial of President Clinton . For our current President, check out Georgetown University Professor Frank O. Bowman‘s High Crimes and Misdemeanors: A History of Impeachment in the Age of Trump.
And while Richard Nixon resigned before his impeachment trial occurred, it may be of interest to look over Conrad Black‘s favorable Richard Nixon: A Life in Full .
NYLI has interesting items in its rare & historical book collection regarding impeachment, including these Nixon related ones that may serve as an antidote to Black’s bio…….

Finally , a shout out to our Colleagues at the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) who have compiled great libguides to the very timely topic of impeachment . You’ll find primary sources such as all Impeachment Resolutions and Articles, as well as impeachment as found in the U.S. Constitution.
NOW is the Time for Impeachment research, ALL AVAILABLE AT NYLI !