Juneteenth became a Federal Holiday when President Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act in 2021….

And here at The New York Law Institute, we believe one of the best ways to celebrate Juneteenth is to learn more about the Holiday….

ProQuest Congressional is always a great place to begin researching any Federal Legislative matters…. and we highly recommend the concise Congressional Research Reports as a starting point…

The history of Juneteenth as a state sanctioned holiday begins in 1980 with Texas. Called Emancipation Day, the Lone Star State was the first to give June 19th official recognition.

NYLI has session laws from all 50 states, therefore access to the primary sources related to Juneteenth are available to our members….

The New York Law Institute collection of eBooks, numbering over 270,000!, has something for every scholar… including those researching Juneteenth…

While perusing African American Lives by Professors Gates & Higginbotham, I once again discovered something more that I didn’t know about Juneteenth; Author Ralph Waldo Ellison, best known for the groundbreaking novel The Invisible Man, also worked on a novel titled Juneteenth that was published posthumously….

Whether Federal Legislative history, state session laws, or works with a scholarly focus –The New York Law Institute is the place to learn more about Juneteenth…. or any other legal subject….

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