It’s May… a month whose very name suggests possibilities .. and it’s the start of Summer Associates season at law firms in New York…
To make full use of NYLI’s resources, we ask our members to give authorization for their Summer Associates to use the firm’s account. Summers can also have their own individual NYLI credentials .
All Summer Associates working at NYLI member firms can….
Explore our vast eBook (230,000+) collection – including Nutshells, ABA & Matthew Bender titles….
Remotely research Federal Legislative history through ProQuest Congressional…
Your Summer Associates can also borrow print, request Records & Briefs, and contact Research Analysts Brooke Raymond & yours truly (Emily Moog) with any reference requests….
And…. We’ve got two LibGuides geared for Summers…
One geared for busy (is there any other kind?) law librarians….

And Ellyssa’s detailed LibGuide on how to partner with NYLI for Summer Associate training….
Summers can also stop by for a tour and conduct research at our location at 120 Broadway. Although we can’t always guarantee that Mr. Met will be in town….we can promise you all sorts of research guidance !